

Rancidity is when fats or oils in food go bad and develop an unpleasant taste or smell. It happens because of chemical reactions that change the fats. There are two main types: 1. Oxidative Rancidity: This occurs when fats or oils react with oxygen in the air. It's like when you cut an apple and leave it out; it turns brown because of oxygen exposure. Similarly, fats can become rancid when exposed to oxygen. For example, if you leave a bottle of cooking oil open for too long, it might start to smell bad and taste off. 2. Hydrolytic Rancidity: This happens when fats react with water. Imagine leaving a bag of potato chips open in a humid environment; they get soggy and taste weird. In a similar way, fats in food can react with water, leading to rancidity. An example is when nuts become stale and taste bad due to moisture exposure. To prevent rancidity, it's important to store fats and oils in airtight containers, away from light and heat, and consume them within their recommended

Nascent Oxidation

Nascent oxidation refers to the initial or primary stage of an oxidation reaction, where a substance is in the process of being oxidized and is highly reactive. It's often associated with the moment when a chemical species is just starting to lose electrons and become oxidized. Nascent oxidation is important in various chemical reactions and plays a role in the formation of new compounds.


Rancidity is when fats or oils in food go bad and develop an unpleasant taste or smell. It happens because of chemical reactions that change the fats. There are two main types: 1. **Oxidative Rancidity**: This occurs when fats or oils react with oxygen in the air. It's like when you cut an apple and leave it out; it turns brown because of oxygen exposure. Similarly, fats can become rancid when exposed to oxygen. For example, if you leave a bottle of cooking oil open for too long, it might start to smell bad and taste off. 2. **Hydrolytic Rancidity**: This happens when fats react with water. Imagine leaving a bag of potato chips open in a humid environment; they get soggy and taste weird. In a similar way, fats in food can react with water, leading to rancidity. An example is when nuts become stale and taste bad due to moisture exposure. To prevent rancidity, it's important to store fats and oils in airtight containers, away from light and heat, and consume them within their rec

Nascent oxidation

Nascent oxidation refers to the initial or primary stage of an oxidation reaction, where a substance is in the process of being oxidized and is highly reactive. It's often associated with the moment when a chemical species is just starting to lose electrons and become oxidized. Nascent oxidation is important in various chemical reactions and plays a role in the formation of new compounds.


Corrosion is like a slow, natural decay that happens to metals when they interact with things like water, air, or chemicals. It's like rust on iron or tarnish on silver. Over time, these metals break down and weaken, which can be a problem for things like cars, bridges, and pipes. Preventing corrosion is important to keep things strong and durable.

Oxidation VS Reduction

Oxidation is like when something gains oxygen, loses electrons, or loses hydrogen. For example, when iron rusts, it combines with oxygen from the air, so it's oxidized. Reduction is the opposite. It's when something loses oxygen, gains electrons, or gains hydrogen. A common example is when hydrogen gas combines with oxygen to form water. Here, oxygen is reduced because it gains electrons. So, in summary, oxidation involves gaining oxygen or losing electrons, while reduction involves losing oxygen or gaining electrons. Together, they make up redox reactions, which are fundamental in chemistry.

Median Eminence

The median eminence is a small region located in the base of the brain, specifically in the hypothalamus. It plays a crucial role in the regulation of various physiological processes, including the release of hormones. The median eminence contains a network of blood vessels and capillaries that allow it to serve as a gateway for hormones produced by the hypothalamus to enter the anterior pituitary gland, where they can then stimulate or inhibit the release of other hormones, ultimately regulating various functions in the body. This region is essential for the control of the endocrine system.


Chromatophores are specialized cells found in the skin of some animals, particularly in species like octopuses, chameleons, and certain fish. These cells contain pigments that can be expanded or contracted to change the color and pattern of an animal's skin. The process of changing color is often used for camouflage, communication, or temperature regulation.


Basophils are a type of white blood cell, also known as granulocytes, that make up a small percentage of the total white blood cells in the human body. They play a role in the immune system and are involved in allergic reactions and inflammation. Basophils release histamine and other chemicals in response to allergens or infection, which can cause symptoms like itching and swelling.


Acidophils typically refer to a group of cells found in the anterior pituitary gland, which release hormones such as growth hormone (GH) and prolactin. These cells are called acidophils because they stain readily with acidic dyes in laboratory preparations.

Epitheloid Secretary Cells

These cells are responsible for secreting various substances, such as enzymes, hormones, mucus, or other products, into ducts or directly into the bloodstream. The term "epithelioid" refers to their resemblance to epithelial cells, which make up the lining of organs and tissues. These secretory cells play a crucial role in maintaining the body's homeostasis and performing specific functions, depending on the organ or gland in which they are found. 


 Cyclic guanosine monophosphate, often abbreviated as cGMP, is a cyclic nucleotide derived from guanosine triphosphate (GTP). It serves as a critical second messenger in various cellular signaling pathways. cGMP plays a fundamental role in regulating physiological processes, particularly in smooth muscle relaxation, vasodilation (expansion of blood vessels), and the transmission of signals in the nervous system. Here are a few key functions and pathways associated with cGMP: 1. **Vasodilation**: In blood vessel walls, cGMP relaxes smooth muscle cells, leading to vasodilation. This process reduces blood pressure and increases blood flow, making it a vital component in regulating cardiovascular function. 2. **Neurotransmission**: cGMP is involved in signal transduction in the nervous system, where it can influence synaptic transmission and neuronal plasticity. 3. **Phototransduction**: In photoreceptor cells of the retina, cGMP plays a crucial role in phototransduction. In response to li


Nitric oxide (NO) is not a hormone; it is a molecule that functions as a signaling molecule in the body. It plays a crucial role in various physiological processes, primarily by acting as a vasodilator, relaxing blood vessels and improving blood flow. While not a hormone, nitric oxide is important in regulating blood pressure and is involved in various cellular signaling pathways.

Aldosterone hormone

Aldosterone is a hormone produced by your adrenal glands, which are located on top of your kidneys. Its main job is to help regulate the balance of salt and water in your body. When your body needs to hold on to more salt and water, like when you're low on fluids or your blood pressure is low, aldosterone tells your kidneys to reabsorb more salt and water from your urine. This helps increase your blood pressure and maintain the right balance of these substances in your body. So, in simple terms, aldosterone helps control your body's salt and water levels to keep things in balance.


Pain and Inflammation hormone ( Prostaglandin)  Prostaglandins are like tiny messengers in your body. They're made in various cells and tissues and play a big role in lots of processes, like inflammation, pain, and blood flow. When something goes wrong, like when you get injured, cells release prostaglandins to signal for help. They can make blood vessels widen, causing redness and heat (inflammation), and they can also make you feel pain. They're important for healing, but they can also be responsible for discomfort when you're hurt or sick.


Relaxin is a hormone in our bodies that helps us relax, especially during pregnancy. It's like a natural "chill" hormone.  During pregnancy, relaxin is made by the ovaries and later by the placenta. It has a few important jobs: 1. **Loosening Muscles and Joints:** Relaxin helps to relax the muscles of the uterus, which is important for a smooth pregnancy and childbirth. It also loosens the ligaments in the pelvis to make it easier for the baby to pass through during birth. 2. **Softening the Cervix:** It makes the cervix (the opening to the womb) softer and more flexible, allowing it to stretch during labor. 3. **Prepares for Breastfeeding:** Relaxin can also prepare the body for breastfeeding by affecting the milk-producing glands. So, in simple terms, relaxin is like your body's natural relaxer, helping to make pregnancy and childbirth a bit easier.


GH, or growth hormone, is a special substance made by a small gland in your brain called the pituitary gland. It plays a big role in helping your body grow and develop.  Here's how it works: 1. **Growth:** GH is like a messenger that tells your body to grow. It helps your bones and muscles get bigger, and it's really important for kids and teenagers as they're still growing. 2. **Metabolism:** GH also helps control how your body uses food for energy. It can help burn fat and keep your muscles strong. 3. **Repair:** It's not just for kids; adults need GH too. It helps repair and maintain your body's tissues and organs. Sometimes, when there's not enough GH, it can cause problems with growth and other health issues. In those cases, doctors might use GH as a medicine to help out. So, in simple terms, growth hormone is like a helpful messenger in your body that makes you grow, keeps your energy in check, and helps with repairs.


LTH, or Luteotropic Hormone, is a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland in your brain. It plays a vital role in regulating your reproductive system, especially in females. LTH's main job is to stimulate the development of the corpus luteum, which is a temporary structure formed in the ovaries after an egg is released during the menstrual cycle. The corpus luteum produces hormones like progesterone, which help prepare the uterus for a potential pregnancy. If pregnancy doesn't occur, LTH levels decrease, causing the corpus luteum to break down, leading to the start of a new menstrual cycle. So, in simple terms, LTH helps manage the female reproductive system by supporting the monthly cycle and potential pregnancies.


Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland in the brain. It plays a crucial role in the reproductive system. In women, FSH helps stimulate the growth of ovarian follicles (the structures that contain eggs) and triggers the release of estrogen. In men, FSH stimulates the production of sperm in the testes. FSH levels can be measured to assess fertility and diagnose certain reproductive disorders.


TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone):    - TSH is a hormone produced and released by the pituitary gland in the brain.    - Its main function is to regulate the thyroid gland's activity. When the body's thyroid hormone levels are low, the pituitary gland secretes TSH to stimulate the thyroid to produce more thyroid hormones (T3 and T4).    - Thyroid hormones play a crucial role in regulating metabolism, energy production, and maintaining overall body functions.

Glucagon Hormone

Glucagon:    - Glucagon is a peptide hormone produced by the alpha cells of the pancreas.    - Its primary function is to regulate blood glucose levels. When blood sugar levels drop, such as between meals or during periods of low blood glucose, glucagon is released.    - Glucagon stimulates the liver to break down glycogen into glucose and release it into the bloodstream. This process raises blood sugar levels and provides energy to the body.

GnRH ( Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone)

 GnRH, or Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone, is a special hormone in our bodies that acts like a messenger. It's produced in a small part of the brain called the hypothalamus.  GnRH's main job is to tell the pituitary gland, another small organ in the brain, to release two other hormones: LH (Luteinizing Hormone) and FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone). These two hormones play a crucial role in controlling our reproductive system. LH and FSH travel to the ovaries in women or the testes in men and prompt them to produce sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone. These hormones are essential for things like puberty, the menstrual cycle in women, and sperm production in men. In simpler terms, GnRH is like the conductor of an orchestra, telling the pituitary gland when to play the music (LH and FSH) that makes our bodies ready for reproduction and controls the development of our sexual characteristics.

ADH HORMONE ( Anti-Diruretic Hormone)

The full form of ADH is anti-diuretic hormone. ADH is secreted from the hypothalamus and it is released from posterior pituitary gland. This hormone controls the osmolarity inside the body system and regulates the water level in the body through reabsorption or secretion of water during the formation of urine.

🥰Oxytocin🥰 (The Love Hormone)

In the brain, oxytocin acts as a chemical messenger and has an important role in many human behaviours including sexual arousal, recognition, trust, romantic attachment and mother–infant bonding. As a result, oxytocin has been called the 'love hormone' or 'cuddle chemical'.


Thyroxine, also known as T4, is a hormone produced by the thyroid gland. It plays a crucial role in regulating the body's metabolism and energy production. Thyroxine levels can impact various bodily functions, including heart rate, body temperature, and overall energy levels. If there are issues with thyroid function, it can lead to conditions like hypothyroidism (too little thyroxine) or hyperthyroidism (excessive thyroxine), which can have various health effects.

Melatonin (Sleep Hormone)

Sleep hormone (melatonin) Melatonin is a hormone that your brain produces in response to darkness. It helps with the timing of your circadian rhythms (24-hour internal clock) and with sleep. Being exposed to light at night can block melatonin production.

Adrenal Medualla

The adrenal medulla is the inner part of your adrenal gland. Adrenal medulla hormones, adrenaline and noradrenaline, play an important role in your well-being. They boost organ function in response to stress. These hormones also support your mental health.


any of a class of aromatic amines which includes a number of neurotransmitters such as adrenaline and dopamine.

Adrenaline(Epinephrine) VS Noradrenaline(Norepinephrine)

 Adrenaline and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) are two closely related hormones that play key roles in your body's "fight or flight" response to stress or danger. 1. **Adrenaline (Epinephrine)**:    - Produced in the adrenal glands, which sit on top of your kidneys.    - It's like the body's emergency alarm – when you face a threat, adrenaline rushes into your bloodstream.    - Adrenaline increases your heart rate, widens airways, and boosts energy by releasing stored sugar.    - It helps you respond quickly to challenges, like running from danger or reacting to a sudden stressor. 2. **Norepinephrine (Noradrenaline)**:    - It's also produced in the adrenal glands and released as part of the stress response.    - Norepinephrine acts on your nervous system and blood vessels.    - It narrows blood vessels, increasing blood pressure and redirecting blood to vital areas during stress.    - Norepinephrine helps you stay alert and focused during challenging situatio

Amines (Hormones)

  Amines are a class of organic compounds that include various compounds, some of which can act as hormones. For example, epinephrine and norepinephrine are amines that function as hormones and neurotransmitters, playing a crucial role in the body's "fight or flight" response. These hormones are produced by the adrenal glands and have effects on heart rate, blood pressure, and other physiological responses. There are other amine hormones like serotonin and dopamine, which are neurotransmitters that influence mood and other brain functions.  


Hormones are the chemical messengers of the endocrine system. Hormones are the signals which adjust the body's internal working, together with the nervous system. Every multicellular organism has hormones. The cells which react to a given hormone have special receptors for that hormone. When a hormone attaches to the receptor protein a mechanism for signalling is started. The cell or tissue that gets the message is called the 'target'. Hormones only act on cells which have the right receptors.

Fluids in the ear

 Perilymph and endolymph are two different fluids found in the inner ear, specifically in the cochlea, which is the part of the ear responsible for hearing and balance. 1. Perilymph:    - Perilymph is a clear, watery fluid that fills the scala vestibuli and scala tympani, which are two of the three chambers within the cochlea of the inner ear.    - It has a composition similar to that of cerebrospinal fluid and is rich in sodium ions.    - Perilymph helps transmit sound vibrations from the middle ear to the inner ear. When sound waves enter the ear, they cause vibrations in the tympanic membrane (eardrum), which are then transferred to the ossicles (small bones in the middle ear). The ossicles amplify and transmit these vibrations to the fluid in the cochlea, including the perilymph.    - The movement of perilymph initiates the stimulation of hair cells within the cochlea, which are responsible for converting mechanical vibrations into electrical signals that the brain can interpret as

Rod & Cones

 Rods and cones are two types of photoreceptor cells in the retina of the eye, and they play distinct roles in the process of vision: 1. Rods:    - Sensitivity to Light Levels: Rod cells are highly sensitive to low levels of light, making them essential for vision in dim or low-light conditions, such as nighttime or in dark environments. They are responsible for scotopic vision.    - Black and White Vision: Rods primarily detect shades of gray and are not capable of perceiving color. They provide the visual system with information about the brightness and contrast of objects.    - Peripheral Vision: Rods are primarily located in the peripheral regions of the retina, making them important for peripheral vision and detecting motion in the periphery of our visual field.    - Rhodopsin: Rod cells contain the photopigment rhodopsin, which is highly sensitive to light and quickly regenerates in low-light conditions, allowing for continuous function in dim light. 2. Cones:    - Color Vision:


Acetylcholine is a tiny chemical messenger in your body that helps your nerve cells communicate with muscles and other cells. When a nerve wants to tell a muscle to move, it releases acetylcholine. This chemical then travels to the muscle and makes it contract (squeeze) or relax. This is how your brain tells your muscles what to do, like when you want to lift your arm or smile. Acetylcholine is a key player in controlling your muscles and many other important processes in your body.

Ganglion (Plural:Ganglia)

A ganglion is like a little bundle of nerve cells or neurons. These nerve cells are found in your nervous system, which is like your body's communication network. Ganglia (plural of ganglion) help in passing messages or signals between different parts of your body. Imagine ganglia as relay stations where information gets transferred. They're essential for coordinating things like moving your muscles, feeling sensations, and more. So, ganglia are like the switches and routers of your body's messaging system, helping everything work smoothly. Different types of ganglia: 1. Dorsal Root Ganglion: These ganglia are like entry points for sensory information. Imagine them as the doorstep to your nervous system. When you touch something hot or cold, the signals start here. They're like the body's alarm system. 2. Autonomic Ganglion: These ganglia handle the automatic, involuntary stuff your body does, like your heart beating or your digestion. Think of them as the control c

Formation of spinal nerves

i. Each spinal nerve is formed inside the neural canal of vertebral column by two roots - the posterior or dorsal sensory root and anterior or ventral root. 11. Anterior root receives the sensory nerve from the dorsal root ganglion (cell bodies of sensory neurons are located in the ganglion), while the anterior/ventral root gives out the motor nerve. 111. The dorsal sensory and the ventral motor nerves together form the mixed spinal nerve. It emerges out from both sides of the spinal cord through the inter-vertebral foramen. iv. Spinal nerves emerging from vertebral column immediately divide into three branches, namely ramus dorsalis, ramus ventralis, and ramus communicans. a. Ramus dorsalis: from skin and to muscles of dorsal sure. b.Ramus ventralis: the largest of the three, supplies the organs and muscles on lateral and anterior side. c. Ramus communicans: the smallest of the three and given out from 1st thoracic up to 3rd lumbar (L3) spinal nerve. It joins the sympathet

Transverse Section of Spinal Cord

i. The spinal cord is dorso-ventrally flattened due to the presence of deep, narrow posterior fissure and shallow, broad anterior fissure. The fissures divide the spinal cord incompletely into a right and left side. ii. The fissures divide the grey matter into six horns, namely dorsal, lateral and ventral horns while the white matter is divisible into 6 columns or funiculi, namely dorsal, lateral and ventral funiculi. iii. The H-shaped or butterfly shaped grey matter is on the inner side, while the white matter is on the outer side. iv. The dorsal and ventral horns extend out of the spinal cord as dorsal root and ventral root of spinal cord respectively. V. The dorsal root is connected to the dorsal root ganglion (lies just outside and lateral to the spinal cord). It has an aggregation/collection of unipolar sensory neurons. vi. A central canal can be seen in the centre. vii. The association or inter-neurons lie inside the grey matter. They receive signal from the sensory n

The Hind Brain and its Functions

The posterior region of the brain is called hind brain. It consists of pons varolli, cerebellum and medulla oblongata. i. Pons varolli : a. It appears as a rounded bulge on the underside of the brain stem and contains a cross band of nerve fibres connecting cerebrum, cerebellar lobes, medulla oblongata and spinal cord. b. It also contains several nuclei. ii. Cerebellum : a. It is the second largest part of the brain and consists of two lateral hemispheres and a central vermis. b. It is composed of white matter with a thin layer of grey matter, the cortex. c.The white matter intermixes with the grey matter and shows a tree-like pattern called arbor vitae. d. The surface of cerebellum shows convolutions (gyri and sulci) a number of nuclei lie deep within each lateral or cerebellar hemisphere. e.Over 30 million neurons lie in the cortex. f. Three pairs of myelinated nerve bundles called cerebullar penduncles connect cerebellum to the other p

The Midbrain

i. Midbrain is located between diencephalon(consists of epithalamus, thalamus & hypothalamus) and the pons varolli. ii. It contains the cerebral aqueduct or iter that connects the third and fourth ventricles. iii. The corpora quadrigemina are four rounded elevations on the dorsal surface of the mid brain. The two superior colliculi are involved in visual reflexes and the two inferior colliculi are relay centres for auditory reflexes that operate when it is necessary to move the head to hear sounds more distinctly. iv. The mid brain also contains on its inferior surface two thick fibrous tracks called cerebral peduncles or crura cerebri. V. The tracts of ascending and descending nerve fibres from RAS (Renin Angiotensin system) connect the cerebrum and mid brain. vi. Near the centre of the mid brain is a mass of grey matter scattered within the white matter. It is called the re

Germ Layers

Germ layers are like the building blocks of an animal's body. When an animal is just a tiny embryo (a very early stage of development), it's made up of three layers of cells. These layers are called: 1. Ectoderm: This is like the outer layer. It gives rise to things like the skin, the nervous system (including the brain and spinal cord), and parts of the eyes and ears. 2. Mesoderm: This is the middle layer. It forms the muscles, bones, and other parts of the body like the heart, kidneys, and blood vessels. 3. Endoderm: This is the innermost layer. It develops into the digestive system (like the stomach and intestines), as well as the lungs and other internal organs. So, these germ layers are like the starting point for all the different parts of an animal's body to grow and develop during its early stages of life. They're crucial for shaping the body's structure and functions.

Flowcharts - Histology


EEG ( Electroencephalogram )

a. The electrical signals called brain waves are generated by neurons close to the brain surface, mainly neurons in the cerebral cortex which can be detected by sensors called electrodes. The electrodes are placed on the forehead and scalp. A record of such waves is called an electroencephalogram or EEG. b. EEG is useful in studying normal brain functions, such as changes that occur during sleep, and in diagnosing a variety of brain disorders, such as epilepsy, tumours, trauma, hematomas, metabolic abnormalities, sites of 10 trauma and degenerative diseases. The EEG is also utilized to establish or confirm that brain death has occurred.

Functional Areas of Cerebrum

Cerebrum shows three types of areas sensory, motor and association area. Following are the functional areas of cerebrum:  i. Frontal lobes: They have motor area which controls voluntary motor activities or movements of muscles. The centre for expression of emotions, intelligence, will power, memory, personality areas are located in the frontal lobe. The premotor area is higher centre for involuntary movements and autonomous nervous system. Association area is for coordination between sensation and movements. Broca's area /motor speech area is the motor speech area and translates thoughts into speech and controls movement of tongue, lips and vocal cords. ii. Parietal lobes: They are mainly for somaesthetic sensation of pain, pressure, temperature, tastes (gustatoreceptor). iii. Temporal lobes: It contains centres for smell (olfactory), hearing (auditory), speech and emotions. iv. Occipital lobes: They have visual area mainly for sense of vision. Wernicke'

Basal Ganglia.

i. Basal ganglia or basal nuclei are grey masses present within the white matter or lying on the lateral sides of thalamus. ii. The basal ganglia or nuclei of cerebrum receive neurotransmitters from various parts. iii. They help the cortex in the execution of activities at the subconscious level. e.g. Writing slow or rapid typing. iv. The largest basal nucleus known as corpus striatum, is located at the floor of cerebrum.

Functions of Parts of brain

i. Frontal lobe: Involved in motor function, problem solving, judgement, impulse control, etc. ii. Parietal lobe Integrates sensory information, language processing, manages taste, hearing, smell, touch and sight, etc. iii. Occipital lobe Controlling vision, visual processing iv. Cerebellum Co-ordinates voluntary movements and maintains body balance V. Medulla Controls involuntary activities like - beating of the heart, blood circulation, breathing, sneezing, coughing, salivation, etc. vi. Temporal lobe Facial recognition, language comprehension, speech, memory, auditory perception, emotional responses and visual perception,etc.

Parts of Diencephalon and function of hypothalamus

i. Epithalamus: a. It is the thin non-nervous roof of the diencephalon. It is fused anteriorly with the pia mater to form the anterior choroid plexus. b. It is connected to pineal gland through a pineal stalk from its dorsal wall. ii. Thalamus: a. It is formed by lateral thick walls of diencephalon. Thalami mainly contain grey matter. b. The habenculor commissure connects two thalami. Different parts of the brain are interconnected by the RAS (Reticular Activating System) through the thalami. C. It is called relay centre as it transmits all sensory impulses except those of olfactory (smell) to the cerebrum. d. The narrow cavity of diencephalon is called 3rd ventricle or diocoel. It connects anteriorly to the two lateral ventricles by a single opening called Foramen of Monro and posteriorly to the 4th ventricle or metacoel through a narrow duct of Sylvius or iter. iii. Hypothalamus:  a. It is ectodermal in origin. b. It forms the floor of



Double Displacement Reaction

 A double displacement reaction, also known as a double replacement reaction or a metathesis reaction, is a type of chemical reaction where the positive ions (cations) and negative ions (anions) in two compounds switch places to form new compounds. Let's break down this process with simple words and provide 20 examples. 1. Sodium sulfate and barium chloride:    - Sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) + Barium chloride (BaCl2) -> Barium sulfate (BaSO4) + Sodium chloride (NaCl) 2. Potassium iodide and lead nitrate:    - Potassium iodide (KI) + Lead nitrate (Pb(NO3)2) -> Lead iodide (PbI2) + Potassium nitrate (KNO3) 3. Sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid:    - Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) + Hydrochloric acid (HCl) -> Sodium chloride (NaCl) + Water (H2O) 4. Silver nitrate and sodium chloride:    - Silver nitrate (AgNO3) + Sodium chloride (NaCl) -> Silver chloride (AgCl) + Sodium nitrate (NaNO3) 5. Potassium sulfate and barium nitrate:    - Potassium sulfate (K2SO4) + Barium nitrate (Ba(NO3

Displacement Reaction

 A displacement reaction is a chemical reaction where one element or ion replaces another element in a compound. It's like when someone takes your place in line. Here's a simple explanation with 20 examples: 1. Zinc and Hydrochloric Acid: Zinc replaces hydrogen in hydrochloric acid to form zinc chloride and hydrogen gas. Zn + 2HCl -> ZnCl2 + H2 2. Copper and Silver Nitrate: Copper replaces silver in silver nitrate to produce copper nitrate and silver. Cu + 2AgNO3 -> Cu(NO3)2 + 2Ag 3. Magnesium and Iron Oxide: Magnesium replaces iron in iron oxide to create magnesium oxide and iron. Mg + Fe2O3 -> MgO + 2Fe 4. Sodium and Water: Sodium displaces hydrogen in water, forming sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. 2Na + 2H2O -> 2NaOH + H2 5. Aluminum and Hydrochloric Acid: Aluminum displaces hydrogen in hydrochloric acid, making aluminum chloride and hydrogen gas. 2Al + 6HCl -> 2AlCl3 + 3H2 6. Potassium and Water: Potassium reacts with water to form potassium hydroxide and

Decomposition Reaction

 A decomposition reaction is like taking apart something to see what it's made of. In chemistry, it means breaking a compound (a combination of different atoms) into its simpler parts, which are usually individual elements or smaller molecules. Let's explore this concept with 20 simple examples: 1. **Hydrogen Peroxide**:    - Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) decomposes into water (H2O) and oxygen (O2). 2. **Baking Soda**:    - Baking soda (NaHCO3) decomposes into sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), carbon dioxide (CO2), and water (H2O). 3. **Ammonium Nitrate**:    - Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) decomposes into nitrogen gas (N2), water (H2O), and oxygen gas (O2). 4. **Mercury(II) Oxide**:    - Mercury(II) oxide (HgO) decomposes into mercury (Hg) and oxygen gas (O2). 5. **Calcium Carbonate**:    - Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) decomposes into calcium oxide (CaO) and carbon dioxide (CO2). 6. **Hydrochloric Acid**:    - Hydrochloric acid (HCl) decomposes into hydrogen gas (H2) and chlorine gas (Cl2). 7. *

Combination Reaction

 A combination reaction is a type of chemical reaction where two or more substances combine to form a single, new substance. This usually happens when elements or compounds come together to create a more complex compound. Let's break down the concept with some simple examples: 1. Hydrogen (H2) combines with oxygen (O2) to form water (H2O). 2. Iron (Fe) reacts with sulfur (S) to produce iron sulfide (FeS). 3. Carbon (C) combines with oxygen (O2) to make carbon dioxide (CO2). 4. Sodium (Na) reacts with chlorine (Cl2) to form sodium chloride (NaCl), which is table salt. 5. Nitrogen (N2) combines with hydrogen (H2) to create ammonia (NH3). These examples involve elements coming together, but combination reactions can also occur with compounds: 6. Ethene (C2H4) combines with oxygen (O2) to produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). 7. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) reacts with oxygen (O2) to form sulfur trioxide (SO3). 8. Carbon monoxide (CO) combines with oxygen (O2) to produce carbon dioxide

Spindle apparatus is formed during cell division. Write the information on the components of cell which help in formation of this.

I.  Centrioles and centrosomes play significant role in formation of spindle apparatus during cell division.  ii.  Centrosome is usually found near the nucleus of an animal cell. iii.  It contains a pair of cylindrical structures called centrioles.  iv.  The cylinder (centriole) are perpendicular to each other and are surrounded by amorphous substance called pericentriolar material. V. Each cylinder of centriole is made up of nine sets of triplet microtubules made up of tubulin. Vi. Evenly spaced triplets are connected to each other by means of non-tubulin proteins. Vii. At the proximal end of centriole, there is a set of tubules called hub. viii. The peripheral triplets are connected to hub by means of radial spokes. Due to this proximal end of centriole looks like a cartwheel. Ix. Centriole forms basal body of cilia and flagella.

structures of components that help in locomotion of unicellular organisms

i. Cilium or flagellum helps in locomotion of unicellular organisms. ii. They consist of basal body, basal plate and shaft. iii. Basal body is placed in outer part of cytoplasm. It is derived from centriole. It has nine peripheral triplets of fibrils.  iv. Shaft is exposed part of cilia or flagella. It consists of two parts- sheath and axoneme. V.  Sheath is covering membrane of cilium or flagellum. vi. Core called axoneme possesses 11 fibrils (microtubules) running parallel to long axis. vii. It shows 9 peripheral doublet microtubules and two single central microtubules (9+2). viii. The central tubules are enclosed by central sheath. IX.  This sheath is connected to one of the tubules of peripheral doublets by a radial spoke.  X.  Central tubules are connected to each other by bridges. xi. The peripheral doublet microtubules are connected to each other through linkers or inter-doublet bridge.

Cytoskeletal system of a cell

1. The cytoskeleton is microfilaments. a supportive structure built from microtubules, intermediate filaments, and ii. Microtubules are made up of protein- tubulin. iii. Microfilaments are made up of actin. IV. Intermediate filaments are composed of fibrous proteins.

Chromatin material

I. Nucleus contains genetic information in the form of chromosomes which are DNA molecules associated with proteins. ii. In a non-dividing cell, the chromosomes appear as thread like network and cannot be identified individually. This network is called chromatin material. iii. The chromatin material contains DNA,  histone and non-histone proteins and RNA. Iv. In some regions of chromatin, DNA is more and is genetically active called euchromatin Some regions that contain more of proteins and less DNA and are genetically inert, are called heterochromatin .

structure of nucleus

Nucleus is known as the master cell organelle as it regulates various metabolic activities through synthesis of various proteins and enzymes. The nucleus in eukaryotic cell is made up of nuclear envelope, nucleoplasm, nucleolus and chromatic networks.

Ribosomes of eukaryotic cell

i. Ribosomes are protein factories of cell and were first observed as dense particles in electron micrograph of a cell by scientist Palade in 1953. ii. Ribosomes lack membranous covering around them and are made up of Ribosomal RNA and proteins. iii. In a eukaryotic cell, ribosomes are present in mitochondria, plastids (in plant cells) and in cytosol. IV. Ribosomes are either found attached to outer surface of Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum and nuclear membrane or freely suspended in cytoplasm. V. Both are of 80S type. Each ribosome is made up of two subunits- a large (60S) and a small (40S) subunit.  Vi.  Bound ribosomes generally produce proteins that are transported outside the cell after processing in ER and Golgi body. e.g. Bound ribosomes of acinar cells of pancreas produce pancreatic digestive enzymes. Vii.  Free ribosomes come together and form chains called polyribosomes for protein synthesis. Viii.  Free ribosomes generally produce enzymatic proteins that are used up in cytoplas

Structure of chloroplast

i. In plants, chloroplast is found mainly in mesophyll of leaf. ii. Chloroplast is lens shaped but it can also be oval, spherical, discoid or ribbon like.  iii. A cell may contain single large chloroplast as in Chlamydomonas (type green algae) or there can be 20 to 40 chloroplasts per cell as seen in mesophyll cells(makes mesophyll layer in plant leaves).  iv. Chloroplasts contain green pigment called chlorophyll along with other enzymes that help in production of sugar by photosynthesis. V. Inner membrane of double membraned chloroplast is comparatively less permeable. vi. Inside the cavity of inner membrane, there is another set of membranous sacs called thylakoids. vii. Thylakoids are arranged in the form of stacks called grana (singular: granum). viii. The grana are connected to each other by means of membranous tubules called stroma lamellae.  ix. Space outside thylakoids is filled with stroma. X. The stroma and the space inside thylakoids contain various enzymes essential for pho

plastids and its types

Plastids are double membraned organelles containing DNA, RNA and 70S ribosomes. i.  Plastids are classified according to the pigments present in it. Three main types of plastids are - leucoplasts, chromoplasts and chloroplasts. ii. Leucoplasts do not contain any photosynthetic pigments they are of various shapes and sizes. These are meant for storage of nutrients:  a. Amyloplasts store starch.  b. Elaioplasts store oils. c. Aleuroplasts store proteins. iii. Chromoplasts contain pigments like carotene and xanthophyll etc. a. They impart yellow, orange or red colour to flowers and fruits.  b. These plastids are found in the coloured parts of flowers and fruits. iv.  Chloroplasts are plastids containing green pigment chlorophyll along with other enzymes that help in production of sugar by photosynthesis. They are present in plants, algae and few protists like Euglena.

Are mitochondria present in all eukaryotic cells ?

a. Mitochondria are found in nearly all eukaryotic cells, including plants, animals, fungi, and most unicellular eukaryotes. b. Some of the cells have a single large mitochondrion, but frequently a cell has hundreds of mitochondria.  C. The number of mitochondria correlates with the cell's level of metabolic activity. For e.g. cells that move or contract have proportionally more mitochondria than metabolically less active cells. d. However, mature red blood cells in humans lack mitochondria.

Pre and post ganglionic nerves

Pre-ganglionic and post-ganglionic nerves are two components of the autonomic nervous system, which controls involuntary bodily functions. Here are the key differences between them: 1. Location:    - Pre-ganglionic nerves: These nerves originate in the central nervous system (CNS), specifically in the brainstem or the sacral region of the spinal cord.    - Post-ganglionic nerves: These nerves extend from ganglia, which are small clusters of nerve cell bodies located outside the CNS. 2. Length of axon:    - Pre-ganglionic nerves: They have relatively long axons that extend from the CNS to the ganglia, where they synapse with post-ganglionic neurons.    - Post-ganglionic nerves: They have shorter axons that project from the ganglia to the target organs or tissues. 3. Function:    - Pre-ganglionic nerves: Their primary function is to transmit signals from the CNS to ganglia, where they synapse with post-ganglionic neurons. These signals initiate the autonomic response.    - Po

Corpus callosum

i. The two cerebral hemispheres are internally connected to each other by a thick band of nerve fibres called corpus callosum . ii. Corpus callosum is typically seen in mammalian brain.  iii. It is the largest commissure of the brain.  iv. It has an anterior and posterior fold called genu and splenium respectively.


i.  The forebrain plays an important role in processing of information related to cognitive activities, sensory and associative functions and voluntary motor activities.  ii.  Parts of forebrain and their function: a. Cerebrum: Sensory integration, control voluntary movements, speech and abstract thoughts  b.  Thalamus: Relay centre between medulla and the cerebrum  c. Hypothalamus The hypothalamus, a vital part of the brain, performs various essential functions, including: 1. Regulation of Temperature: The hypothalamus helps maintain your body's core temperature by triggering responses like sweating or shivering. 2. Control of Hunger and Thirst: It regulates feelings of hunger and thirst, influencing your eating and drinking behavior. 3. Sleep Regulation: The hypothalamus helps establish sleep-wake cycles and plays a role in the sleep patterns and circadian rhythms. 4. Emotional and Behavioral Responses: It is involved in emotional responses, motivation, and behavioral patterns.