GH, or growth hormone, is a special substance made by a small gland in your brain called the pituitary gland. It plays a big role in helping your body grow and develop. 

Here's how it works:

1. **Growth:** GH is like a messenger that tells your body to grow. It helps your bones and muscles get bigger, and it's really important for kids and teenagers as they're still growing.

2. **Metabolism:** GH also helps control how your body uses food for energy. It can help burn fat and keep your muscles strong.

3. **Repair:** It's not just for kids; adults need GH too. It helps repair and maintain your body's tissues and organs.

Sometimes, when there's not enough GH, it can cause problems with growth and other health issues. In those cases, doctors might use GH as a medicine to help out.

So, in simple terms, growth hormone is like a helpful messenger in your body that makes you grow, keeps your energy in check, and helps with repairs.


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