Functional Areas of Cerebrum

Cerebrum shows three types of areas sensory, motor and association area.

Following are the functional areas of cerebrum: 
i. Frontal lobes: They have motor area which controls voluntary motor activities or movements of muscles. The centre for expression of emotions, intelligence, will power, memory, personality areas are located in the frontal lobe. The premotor area is higher centre for involuntary movements and autonomous nervous system. Association area is for coordination between sensation and movements.
Broca's area /motor speech area is the motor speech area and translates thoughts into speech and controls movement of tongue, lips and vocal cords.

ii. Parietal lobes: They are mainly for somaesthetic sensation of pain, pressure, temperature, tastes (gustatoreceptor).

iii. Temporal lobes: It contains centres for smell (olfactory), hearing (auditory), speech and emotions.

iv. Occipital lobes: They have visual area mainly for sense of vision.
Wernicke's area or intelligence centre is the area of contact between temporal, parietal and occipital lobes It is the sensory speech area responsible for understanding and formulating written and spoken language.

Aphasia is a communication problem that happens when a person has trouble speaking, understanding, or finding words. It can be caused by brain injuries or strokes and makes it hard for them to talk or understand language.

The somesthetic senses convey information about touch, pressure, pain, and outside temperature.


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