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  Muscle Structure sarcomere

Endomysium VS Sarcolemma

 The endomysium and sarcolemma are structures associated with muscle tissue, specifically skeletal muscle fibers. Here are the differences between them: 1. **Location:**    - **Endomysium:** This is the connective tissue sheath that surrounds individual muscle fibers (muscle cells). It consists of delicate areolar connective tissue and provides support and protection to each muscle fiber.    - **Sarcolemma:** The sarcolemma is the plasma membrane of a muscle cell. It surrounds the muscle fiber and separates the intracellular (inside the cell) environment from the extracellular (outside the cell) environment. 2. **Composition:**    - **Endomysium:** It is primarily composed of collagen fibers and other extracellular matrix components. The collagen fibers provide structural support to the muscle fiber.    - **Sarcolemma:** The sarcolemma is a phospholipid bilayer that encloses the cytoplasm of the muscle cell. It contains various proteins and channels that are important for muscle cell f