Germ Layers

Germ layers are like the building blocks of an animal's body. When an animal is just a tiny embryo (a very early stage of development), it's made up of three layers of cells. These layers are called:

1. Ectoderm: This is like the outer layer. It gives rise to things like the skin, the nervous system (including the brain and spinal cord), and parts of the eyes and ears.

2. Mesoderm: This is the middle layer. It forms the muscles, bones, and other parts of the body like the heart, kidneys, and blood vessels.

3. Endoderm: This is the innermost layer. It develops into the digestive system (like the stomach and intestines), as well as the lungs and other internal organs.

So, these germ layers are like the starting point for all the different parts of an animal's body to grow and develop during its early stages of life. They're crucial for shaping the body's structure and functions.


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