
Q. What is locomotion?
Ans: The change in locus of whole body of living organism from one place to another place is called locomotion.

Q. State the four basic types of locomotory movements seen in animals.
Ans: The four basic types locomotory movements seen in animals are:
i. Amoeboid movement: It is performed by pseudopodia. e.g. leucocytes.
ii. Ciliary movement: It is performed by cilia. e.g. ciliated epithelium. In Paramoecium, cilia help in passage of food through cytopharynx.
iii. Whirling movement: It is performed by flagella. e.g. sperms.
iv. Muscular movement: It is performed by muscles, with the help of bones and joints.

Q. Movements and locomotion is necessary in animals. Give Reason.
i. Movement is one of the important characteristics of all the living organisms. Animals exhibit wide range of movements like rhythmic beating of heart, movement of diaphragm during respiration, ingestion of food, movement of eyeballs, etc.
ii. Locomotion results into change in place or location of an organism. Animals locomote in search of food, mate, shelter, breeding ground, while escaping from the enemy, etc.
Thus, locomotion and movement are necessary to support the living of animals.

Q. All locomotions are movements but all movements are not locomotion. Justify
Ans: Locomotion occurs when body changes its position, however all movements may not result in locomotion. Thus, all locomotions are movements but all movements are not locomotion.


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