Difference between working capacity of Red Muscle and White Muscle fibre

Q. Why a red muscle can work for a prolonged period whereas white muscle fibre suffers from fatigue after a shorter work?


i. Red muscle fibres contain large amount of myoglobin and mitochondria (site of aerobic respiration), whereas white muscles fibres contain lesser amount of myoglobin and mitochondria.

ii. Myoglobin is an iron-containing pigment that carries oxygen molecules to muscle tissues. Abundance of these pigments in red muscle fibres supports higher rate of aerobic respiration, whereas white muscle fibres have less mitochondria and depend upon anaerobic respiration. 

iii. Anaerobic respiration in muscle white fibres leads to the production of lactic acid and accumulation of higher of levels lactic acid can result in fatigue in white muscle fibres.

Thus, red muscle fibres can perform prolonged work and show less fatigue due to accumulation of negligible amount loss or of lactic acid, whereas white muscle fibres suffer from fatigue after a shorter work due to accumulation of higher amount of lactic acid.


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