Spermatophyta VS Phanerograms

"Spermatophyta" and "phanerogams" are older terms that have been largely replaced by more modern classifications:

1. **Spermatophyta:**
   - This term is an older way to refer to seed-producing plants. It includes gymnosperms (like conifers) and angiosperms (flowering plants).
   - "Sperma" means seed, and "phyta" means plant. So, spermatophyta are plants that produce seeds.

2. **Phanerogams:**
   - Similarly, this is an older term for seed-bearing plants, specifically those that produce seeds visible to the naked eye.
   - "Phaner" means visible, and "gamos" means marriage or reproduction. So, phanerogams are plants with visible reproductive structures, which are seeds.

In essence, both terms were used to describe groups of plants that produce seeds, with "spermatophyta" focusing on the seed aspect and "phanerogams" emphasizing the visibility of their reproductive structures.


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