Division Angiospermae VS Division Gymnospermae

Angiosperms and gymnosperms are two major groups of seed-producing plants.

1. **Angiosperms (Flowering Plants):**
   - **Seeds:** Angiosperms produce seeds enclosed within a fruit.
   - **Reproduction:** Reproduction often involves flowers, where pollination leads to the formation of seeds within the ovary.
   - **Examples:** Examples include most familiar plants like roses, sunflowers, and fruit-bearing trees.

2. **Gymnosperms (Non-Flowering Plants):**
   - **Seeds:** Gymnosperms produce seeds that are not enclosed within a fruit; they are exposed on the surface of cone scales.
   - **Reproduction:** Reproduction typically occurs through the production of cones. Pollen from male cones fertilizes the seeds in female cones.
   - **Examples:** Common gymnosperms include conifers like pine trees, spruces, and firs.

In summary, the main distinction lies in how seeds are protected and where the reproductive structures are located – within fruits for angiosperms and on cone scales for gymnosperms.


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