Exocrine VS Endocrine Gland

Exocrine and endocrine glands are two types of glands in our bodies, and they have different jobs.

1. **Exocrine Glands**:
   - These glands have ducts, which are like tiny tubes.
   - They release their secretions (like sweat or digestive enzymes) through these ducts directly onto a body surface or into a body cavity.
   - For example, sweat glands release sweat onto your skin through ducts.

2. **Endocrine Glands**:
   - These glands do not have ducts; instead, they release their secretions (hormones) directly into the bloodstream.
   - These hormones then travel throughout the body to affect various organs and tissues.
   - For instance, the thyroid gland releases hormones into the bloodstream that regulate metabolism.

In simple terms, exocrine glands use ducts to deliver their substances locally, while endocrine glands release hormones into the bloodstream to affect distant parts of the body.


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