Mitochondria (Singular : Mitochondrion)

Mitochondrion is known as the power house of the cell. It plays significant role in aerobic respiration Mitochondria are absent in prokaryotic cells and red blood corpuscles (RBCs).

The structure of mitochondrion:
 i. Shape of the mitochondria may be oval or spherical or like spiral strip.

ii. It is a double membrane bound organelle. i. Outer membrane is permeable to various metabolites due to presence of a protein-Porin or Parson's particles.

IV. Inner membrane is selectively permeable to few substances Both membranes are separated by intermembrane space. only.

vi. Inner membrane shows several finger like or plate like folds called as cristae which bears numerous particles oxysomes & cytochromes/electron carrier.

vii. Inner membrane encloses a cavity called inner chamber, containing a fluid-matrix. viii. Matrix contains few coils of circular DNA, RNA, 70S types of ribosomes, lipids and various enzymes of Krebs' cycle and other pathways.

Inner membrane of mitochondria bears numerous particles - Oxysomes (F1-F0 / Fernandez - Moran / Elementary particles /mitochondrial particles). Each particle consists of head and stalk / foot. Head (F1)/ lollipop head faces towards matrix and foot (F0) is embedded in inner membrane. Head acts as an enzyme ATP synthase and foot as proton channel. Oxysomes are involved in proton pumping and ATP synthesis.


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