Lysosomes (Suicidal Bags)

i. Lysosomes are considered as dismantling and restructuring units of a cell. 
ii. These are membrane bound vesicles containing hydrolytic enzymes. The enzymes in lysosomes are used by most eukaryotic cells to digest (hydrolyse) macromolecules.
iii. The lysosomal enzymes show optimal activity in acidic pH.
iv. Lysosomes arise from Golgi associated endoplasmic reticulum.
v. Lysosomes are polymorphic in nature and are classified as primary lysosomes, secondary or hybrid lysosomes, residual body and autophagic vesicle. The list of lysosomal enzymes includes:
All types of hydrolases viz, amylases, proteases and lipases.

Reason for been called as Suicidal bags:
i. Lysosomes which bring about digestion of cell's own organic material like a damaged cell organelle are called autophagic vesicle (suicide bags).
ii. An autophagic vesicle essentially consists of lysosome fused with membrane bound old cell organelle or organic molecules to be recycled.
iii. Thus, lysosomes are capable of destructing all kinds of material in the cell. Therefore, can digest its own cell organelles due to presence of lysosome.
Hence, lysosomes are also called as suicide bags.

Hydrolytic enzymes are like tiny molecular scissors in your body. They break down big molecules, like food or waste, into smaller, more manageable pieces by adding water. This helps your body absorb nutrients and get rid of things it doesn't need.

In biology, polymorphism refers to the occurrence of multiple forms or variations within a single species. These variations can manifest in different ways, such as differences in color, size, shape, or behavior among individuals of the same species. Polymorphism is often influenced by genetic factors and can be a result of adaptation to different environments or roles within a species. It contributes to the diversity and adaptability of species in nature.


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