Reproductive Cloning VS Therapeutic cloning

Reproductive cloning involves creating an organism that is genetically identical to another, essentially making a copy of an existing individual. This is often done with animals and involves transferring the nucleus of a donor cell into an egg cell, which is then implanted into a surrogate.

On the other hand, therapeutic cloning is not aimed at creating a whole organism but is focused on generating specific cells or tissues for medical purposes. It starts similarly, by transferring a nucleus into an egg, but the goal is to harvest embryonic stem cells. These versatile cells can potentially be used to treat various diseases and injuries by replacing or repairing damaged tissues.

Reproductive cloning aims to create a genetically identical copy of an existing organism, while therapeutic cloning is focused on producing cells and tissues for medical purposes, such as treating diseases or injuries, without creating a whole organism. Reproductive cloning raises ethical concerns and is not widely practiced, while therapeutic cloning has potential applications in regenerative medicine.

In summary, reproductive cloning replicates entire organisms, while therapeutic cloning aims to produce specialized cells for medical treatments.


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